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Joe Security's Blog

EDR/XDR Alert Validation with Joe Sandbox Detect

Published on: 30.11.2023

This blog post will explore a new feature in Joe Sandbox Detect that improves how security teams validate alerts for their EDR/XDR detections. This enhancement aims to empower security teams in performing more effective Alert Validation, strengthening their defense capabilities.

What is Alert Validation? Alert Validation refers to the process of confirming whether security alerts raised by systems accurately signify genuine security threats. Nowadays, many security teams grapple with a high volume of false positive alerts, causing challenges in effectively prioritizing and addressing potential threats. This inundation often leads to alert fatigue and hampers the overall efficiency of a security system.

EDR/XDR Quarantine Analysis

Imagine having comprehensive analysis reports readily available for every EDR/XDR alert your security team encounters. This has become a reality thanks to the latest addition in Joe Sandbox Detect.

If you're unfamiliar, Joe Sandbox Detect operates as a lightweight Endpoint sensor specifically designed to monitor EDR/XDR solution quarantines. Whenever your EDR/XDR system quarantines a new file, Joe Sandbox automatically conducts an in-depth analysis. The resulting Joe Sandbox Deep Malware Analysis Report equips your security team with invaluable insights to validate the alert and gain a deeper understanding of the threat landscape. This report encompasses a threat description, extracted configuration details, extensive behavioral analysis, network activity, IOCs (Indicators of Compromise), disassembly, decompiled code, and more.

Within the Joe Sandbox Cloud interface, your security team gain access to an array of supplementary information regarding the EDR/XDR alert. This includes user details, file paths, threat identification, timestamps, and other relevant data points:

Rich EDR/XDR Support

Joe Sandbox Detect is designed to support a wide range of EDR/XDR solutions. While we've made extensive efforts to encompass most of them, if you find one missing, please reach out, and we'll work to include it in our coverage:

Combined Benefits

Joe Sandbox Detect offers an MSI installer equipped with various command line options for seamless installation. You can choose between installing it solely for quarantine monitoring or opt for additional functionality, such as empowering users to report phishing incidents. With user-based reporting enabled, users can easily drag and drop emails and files onto a small bar on the Windows desktop for swift reporting:

Once users drag and drop emails or files onto the designated bar on the Windows desktop, Joe Sandbox automatically analyzes them, subsequently alerting the security team.


The automated quarantine analysis, compatible with up to 14 distinct EDR/XDR solutions, grants security teams direct access to Joe Sandbox's comprehensive Deep Malware Analysis. This analysis report, generated for every quarantined file, empowers security teams to efficiently validate alerts, prioritize critical ones, and sift through noise effectively.

Interested in testing Joe Sandbox Detect? Contact us for an in-depth technical demo!