Joe Sandbox Cloud is a web service based on Joe Sandbox Ultimate, hosted by Joe Security. The web service enables cyber-security professionals to upload files and URLs for testing, downloadable analysis reports and other threat intelligence data.
Joe Sandbox Cloud generates very detailed analysis reports about system, network, browser and tampering/code manipulation behavior. The report includes evaluations and additional data about strings, domains and file structures. Matching generic signatures highlight suspicious and malicious key behavior. Classification and threat scores help to detect sophisticated cyber-attacks quickly. A context based search enables to quickly navigate.
Joe Sandbox Cloud enables analysis of all executable files (including malicious documents) on Windows 10 and Windows 10 x64. Android Application Packages (APK) can be analyzed on many Android versions. In addition Joe Sandbox Cloud analyses files on macOS (Intel and Apple Silicon) and Linux.
Joe Sandbox Cloud analyses Office files for Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Support for additional Office suites can be easily added.
Joe Sandbox Cloud uses a growing set of over 2580+ generic Behavior Signatures to detect and classify malicious behavior activities such as Exploiting and Shellcode (for malicious documents), Persistence, Boot Survival, Spreading, Data Spying and Leakage and C&C Communication. Behavior Signatures are extendable and customizable and optionally are shared within a community.
Joe Sandbox Cloud enables to use a mix of virtual and physical analysis machines for analysis. Physical devices are very helpful in order to deal with evasive malware which may not run on virtual systems.
With Joe Sandbox Cloud analysts can directly connect to the analysis machine and click manually through complex malware installers or phishing attacks. The remote assistance option is fully embedded in the browser and therefore no additional software has to be installed. Live Data such as behavior, Yara and Sigma signature hits as well as IOCs are shown in real time.
Joe Sandbox Cloud includes LIA. LIA enables to route all traffic through a selected country. This allows to analyze country-aware malware.
Joe Sandbox Cloud implements an intelligent malware analysis chain, starting with coarse grained and ending with in-depth fine grained malware analysis techniques. The intelligent chain enables to sort out uninteresting samples and focus on the most interesting malware samples.
Joe Sandbox Cloud includes Mail Monitor which enables customer to create custom abuse and user spotted phishing e-Mail boxes. All attachments and URLs of received e-Mails are inspected automatically. Sender and security team gets notified.
Joe Sandbox Cloud generates highly condensed control flow graphs, so called Execution Graphs. Execution Graphs enable to detect evasions against malware analysis systems. Furthermore Execution Graphs allow to rate the behavior by looking at API chains, execution coverage and loops. Joe Sandbox Cloud also includes extensive library code detection.
Joe Sandbox Cloud enables to inspect HTTPS traffic. Similiar to a next generation firewall Joe Sandbox Cloud installs a MITM SSL Proxy which intercepts and analyzes any SSL traffic. This allows to inspect malicious HTTPS C&C traffic which is often used in APTs.
Joe Sandbox Cloud allows to use Yara Rules for advanced malware detection. Joe Sandbox Cloud forwards all samples, downloaded files, resources as well as memory dumps to Yara. In addition Joe Sandbox Cloud features a nice web based Yara Rule editor. Tired of updating Yara rules? Joe Sandbox Cloud enables to automatically synchronize with GitHub repositories contain Yara rules.
Joe Sandbox Cloud allows to use Simga Rules for threat detection. Joe Sandbox currently supports many Sigma events including process_creation and Sysmon. In addition Joe Sandbox Cloud features a nice web based Sigma Rule editor. Tired of updating your Sigma rules? Joe Sandbox Cloud enables to automatically synchronize with GitHub repositories contain Simga rules.
Joe Sandbox Cloud enables to analyze automatically the network data via Suricata and "The Bro Network Security Monitor". Suricata with e.g. Emerging Threats ETOpen/ETPro rules detects malicious IPs, Domains or other network artifacts and Files extracted by Bro are automatically uploaded to Joe Sandbox.
In addition to analysis reports in HTML, XML and JSON formats, Joe Sandbox Cloud captures and generates supplementary data. This includes created files, unpacked PE files, memory dumps, PCAP of the captured network traffic (incl. decrypted HTTPS), screenshots, shellcode and strings.
Joe Sandbox Cloud reports are provided in all relevant export formats, ranging from common data exchange formats (XML, JSON) and document types (HTML, PDF) to malware security standards such as MAEC, CybOX, MISP and OpenIOC. Therefore, Joe Sandbox Cloud reports can be seamlessly integrated with other tools and platforms.
Joe Sandbox Cloud includes the threat intelligence database Joe Sandbox View. View provides threat intelligence context and enables to perform very deep search queries such as assembly instructions, argument values of APIs but also classic IOCs such as IPs, domains, HTTP, dropped files etc.
Joe Sandbox Cloud allows for seamless integration into existing threat intelligence systems. It has a simple RestFul WEB API which enables file upload, analysis data download, searches, filters, alerts and more. Example scripts in Python allow a fast integration.
Joe Sandbox Cloud is tuned to detect malicious samples with high precision. Extensive tests have shown an average false positive rate < 2% and false negative rate < 6% for PE files. Besides the detection status (clean, suspicious or malicious) Joe Sandbox Cloud generates a detailed confidence score - outlining how certain the system is about the detection.
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Light | Windows | Ultimate | ||||
Private Subscriptions, no Sample or Analysis Result Sharing | |||||||
Get access to the REST WEB API | limited | ||||||
Remote Assistance - Live Interaction and Live Results | limited | ||||||
Live Interaction and Live Results max duration | 2 min | 2 min | 2 min | 10 min | |||
Extended Live Interaction (optional) | 30 min | 30 min | |||||
SSO support | |||||||
Download deep Analysis Report in JSON and XML | |||||||
Download low level Function, Event log, AMSI and Powershell Reports | |||||||
Download created / dropped Files, String Files, Screenshots, MISP Report, MAEC Report, unpacked PE files, memory Dumps (and analyze them in IDA with the Joe Sandbox bridge plugin) | |||||||
Analysis on Windows 7 x64 | limited | ||||||
Analysis on Windows 10 x64 | limited | ||||||
Analysis on Windows 11 x64 | |||||||
Analysis on macOS Mojave (VM, Intel x64) | |||||||
Analysis on Native (Intel x64) macOS Mojave / Big Sur / Monterey | |||||||
Analysis on Native Apple Silicon (ARM64) macOS Ventura | |||||||
Analysis on Android 4.4 - 12 | |||||||
Analysis on Linux CentOS 7 | |||||||
Analysis on Linux Ubuntu 16.04 - 22.04 | |||||||
Analysis on Native Machines | limited | ||||||
Submit Cookbooks to automate advanced User Behavior | |||||||
Use Hybrid Code Analysis (HCA) | |||||||
Use Execution Graph Analysis (EGA) | |||||||
Use Yara to detected malware in memory dumps, samples and downloaded files | |||||||
Use Sigma to detected malware based on behaviors | |||||||
Use Suricata rules to detect network patterns | |||||||
Use the Joe Sandbox IDA Bridge Plugin to load and annotate memory dumps | |||||||
Access Joe Sandbox View - threat hunting engine | limited | ||||||
Use Joe Sandbox Detect | |||||||
Use Hypervisor based Inspection | |||||||
Use Joe Sandbox Mail Monitor | |||||||
Use Joe Sandbox AI | Optional | Optional | |||||
Max file upload size | 100MB | 100MB | 100MB | 750MB | |||
Number of Accounts included | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | |||
Premium Support Packages | optional | optional | optional | ||||
Analyses volume | 15 per month | 50 per month | Predefined packages. | ||||
Price | Free |
Purchase Now USD 4'999/year |
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